For Couples


The decision to start couples therapy comes for many couples when they are at an impasse, when despite their best efforts they keep repeating the same painful patterns and fights, when the process of repair from these conflicts becomes more difficult and takes longer. 

Neither partner wants to give up on the things they so desperately want and need in their relationship and yet the more they demand this from their partner, the farther apart they become.

If this all sounds familiar to you, you are not alone. Relationships, especially romantic relationships are often the most challenging for many.

And yet they are also full of so much potential for richness and meaning. 

At the end of most people’s lives, when asked what mattered most to them it was their connections and relationships with those they loved. Relatedness, tenderness, and closeness are one of our deepest human longings. Which is why many of us find ourselves in such distress and pain, when these relationships don’t feel good.  

Luckily, there are therapeutic models, that are dedicated to providing couples with tools, resources, and most importantly EXPERIENCES that will in real time shift and change some of the baked in habitual patterns and fights that cause separation and resentment between partners. 

The models that I have found most effective in enacting lasting change for couples is the PACT (Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy) model developed by Stan Tatkin, and Hakomi/Mindfulness techniques. My training in both have provided me with a framework for first understanding some of the WHY’s of the cycles that you both are caught in, and then to provide you with the present moment experiential spaces to do it differently. Over time, through our work together you will notice that you will not only have a better understanding as to the origins of these patterns from your early history, but also your partners, allowing you to each bring a new energy of empathy and compassion into your dynamic. As I also guide you through trying out new ways of identifying your needs, feelings, and desires and communicating those, you will have a more embodied way of interacting that allows each of you more space and less reactivity.